Health and safety in hospitality: first aid provision for workers and guests

First aider in a workplace kitchen
Alice Squires
Publish Date:
21 Dec 2023
Reading Time:
5 Mins

In the hospitality industry, health and safety is essential.

In this blog, we’ll explore how first aid training supports health and safety in the hospitality industry and creates a safer environment for guests and workers.


Common health and safety challenges in hospitality

Like construction and manufacturing, the hospitality industry has common risks and challenges.

While it's impossible to eliminate all hazards in the workplace, understanding them can reduce the dangers posed to you and your colleagues.

Slips, trips, and falls

Slips, trips, and falls can easily happen in hospitality as in any other industry.

Poor housekeeping is a common cause, poor housekeeping may lead to walkways being obstructed by boxes, wires, and other materials. Use effective signage and lighting, immediately clean up spillages, and focus on staff areas, not just public spaces, to prevent accidents.

There are a variety of injuries that can be attributed to slips, trips, and falls, including injuries to bones, muscles, or joints, bleeding, and head injuries. In more serious cases, if a person falls and sustains a more serious injury, they may become unresponsive.

Our 3-day First aid at work course includes modules that will ensure you can provide appropriate first aid provision to a casualty.

Hazardous chemicals (COSHH)

Hazardous chemicals are often used in the hospitality industry, ranging from dishwasher detergents to disinfectants.

You can safeguard yourself and others against potential skin and eye burns by ensuring proper storage, using correct labelling and safety data sheets, and providing relevant training for your team members.

It’s essential to understand the intricacies of the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH).

Burns and scalds

In hospitality, you need to be vigilant to avoid burn injuries. You and your team need to ensure you use the correct personal protective equipment (PPE), adhere to safety practices, and pay attention to tasks to prevent avoidable accidents. Our EFAW (Emergency first aid at work) and FAW (First aid at work) courses equip first aiders with the skills to deal with burns and scalds should they occur.

Electrical safety

Electrical hazards are common in hospitality venues.

To reduce the risk of harm to yourself, your team, and your customers, avoid overloading extension devices, conduct regular PAT testing, and quickly address maintenance issues.


How our first aid training supports compliance with hospitality regulations

Hospitality establishments are required to comply with occupational health and safety legislation. In our 3-day First aid at work course, learners gain the skills needed to respond effectively to medical emergencies, to help meet these regulatory standards.

Learners acquire the essential skills to improve confidence and willingness to act, should an emergency arise.

This includes the ability to respond effectively to someone unresponsive and breathing, as well as those who are unresponsive and not breathing, with specific practice around the proper usage of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

Learners booked on to our 2-day First aid at work requalification and 3-day First aid at work courses will be equipped to handle scenarios involving choking, bleeding, shock, burns, fainting, poisoning, head injuries, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, and injuries to bones, muscles, or joints, including spinal injuries.

This training ensures a well-rounded understanding of various medical emergencies and ensures you and your team can act swiftly and effectively respond.

Due to the varied shift patterns worked by staff in the hospitality industry, it would be unwise to lay the responsibility on the shoulders of a select few.

The provision of adequate first aid, coupled with staff training, contributes significantly to adhering to these regulations and ensuring the legal operation of the establishment.

Maintaining comprehensive records of safety training is also a key component of regulatory compliance. First aid training is documented evidence that employees have received the necessary training, offering a tangible demonstration of adherence to legal requirements.

Moreover, the safety standards related to guests are integral to hospitality regulations. First aid training contributes to meeting these standards by ensuring that staff can respond effectively to incidents, thereby providing a secure environment for guests.

The provision of adequate first aid and evidence of staff training positively influences the outcome of regulatory assessments.


First Aid

Browse our First aid at work courses

Ensure that you continue to comply with regulations, and that your first aiders are confident and willing to act in an emergency by training with a name you can trust.

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How does our approach to first aid training apply to the hospitality industry?

Booking training with a reputable and well-suited training provider ensures that your needs in the hospitality sector are addressed with expertise and credibility.

You need a provider familiar with the unique challenges and situations you might encounter in your hotel, restaurant, or entertainment venue, and Red Cross Training includes modules with takeaways that can be directly applied to the hospitality industry.


Common first aid scenarios covered

First aid provision for choking is covered in the 1-day Emergency first aid at work course, 2-day First aid at work requalification course, and the3-day First aid at work course.

Given the majority of learners know someone who has choked, nearly choked or has experienced this hazard themselves, training in this area is critical.

Choking is common in restaurants and canteens, and as a hospitality worker, you need to be able to act quickly.

During the training, mannequins are utilised to help learners practise procedures such as back blows and abdominal thrusts. Coaching from expert trainers is provided to improve the effectiveness of these important techniques.


A tailored approach to first aid training

A one-size-fits-all approach can’t be applied to first aid training. Therefore, we apply an adaptable approach and tailor our approach, to suit your preferred way of learning.

This approach and industry-specific focus not only make the training more relevant but also boost your confidence, knowing you're equipped to handle the distinct challenges that may arise.

First Aid

First aid provision for businesses

Our guide 'First aid provision in the workplace: A Guide for Businesses' will help you understand your legal obligations in the workplace for providing first aid.

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