What are the paediatric first aid legal requirements for 2024?

Injured child receiving first aid from a paediatric first aider
Alice Squires
Publish Date:
04 Mar 2022
Reading Time:
5 Mins

The paediatric first aid requirements for 2024, cover both paediatric first aid training and the necessary first aid equipment that should be in place when working with young children. Any paediatric first aid training for an Early Years childcare setting must meet the standards set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework (EYFS) and this would be checked in an OFSTED inspection.

Paediatric first aid training really does help save lives, making it important to ensure the training your first aiders receive gives them the skills and confidence they need in a first aid emergency.

Within this blog we hope to answer some of the most common questions people have about paediatric first aid requirements in 2024.


Why do I need to have paediatric first aiders?

Regulations specify that qualified and newly trained staff require paediatric first aid training before they can be counted towards your EYFS ratio. Although it can be easy to think that paediatric first aid requirements are excessive, it is important to remember young children do not have the capacity to see danger in the same way as an adult, and even with numerous protective measures in place accidents still happen. This is why OFSTED check you have the correct first aid provision in place when they complete an inspection

We have also seen the introduction of schemes such as Millies Mark that identify those that meet or exceed the minimum standards set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.

In addition to meeting the minimum standards for EYFS ratio, holding a recognised paediatric first aid qualification will offer a lot of reassurance to parents and guardians that their child will get the help they need in a first aid emergency.


Who do the paediatric first aid requirements apply to?

The Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS) outlines the standards that school and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to age 5. The EYFS include the requirements for paediatric first aid training and explain how training impacts your childcare ratios.

All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS framework. This includes childminders, preschools, nurseries, and school reception classes.


What are the OFSTED First aid legal requirements?

There are actually no specific OFSTED first aid legal requirements. Ofsted carry out an early years inspection or similar against standards relevant to the age of the children in your setting. OFSTED do not approve or accredit training providers but carry out the early year's inspection.


What are the legal requirements for first aid in schools?

The legal requirements for First aid in school’s can be a little confusing as the first aid training and equipment needed will depend on the age of the children in their care.

Schools should complete a first aid needs assessment to make sure that the first aid provision they put in place includes first aid training that covers the age of the children in their care as well as any staff.

In addition to the early years first aid requirements covered in this blog, schools and childcare settings must also meet standards for first aid provision set out in the Health and Safety (first aid) regulations 1981 which make sure there is first aid arrangements in place for staff as well as children that fall outside of the EYFS. For those working with children over the age of 5 you may have additional standards set by your local authority.


Do all nursery staff need to be first aid trained?

You must have sufficient first aid provision to be able to help children and babies who become unwell or who are injured in your care. The number of paediatric first aiders you need will depend on the specific circumstances of your workplace, luckily the EYFS statutory framework does set out some minimum standards.

Training requirements for paediatric first aid in all childcare settings are outlined within the EYFS statutory framework as:

  • At least one person who has a full current paediatric first aid (PFA) certificate must be on the premises and available at all times when children are present, this includes making sure a first aider is accompanying children on outings.
  • Childminders, or anyone who might be in sole charge of the children for any period of time, must hold a full current paediatric first aid (PFA) certificate.
  • Training must be renewed every three years and be relevant for people caring for young children and babies. Training should consider the number of children, staff, and layout of premises to ensure that a paediatric first aider is able to respond to emergencies quickly.
  • All newly qualified people who have completed a Level 2 and/or Level 3 qualification on or after 30 June 2016, must also have either a full Paediatric First Aid or an Emergency
  • Paediatric first aid certificate within three months of starting work to be included in the required staff to child EYFS ratio.
  • Childcare providers should ensure parents know who holds a current Paediatric First Aid certificate either by displaying the information or making it available on request.

Since September 2021, EYFS have also recommended you consider annual refresher training to help maintain your basic first aid skills and keep up to date with any changes to first aid advice. This can be helpful in ensuring you have confident first aiders that can use the skills they learned on their paediatric first aid course in a real situation.


First Aid

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Book your Paediatric First Aid course with the British Red Cross to qualify your team with a trusted training provider.

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What age does Paediatric first aid cover?

We often get asked ‘what is the age range for paediatric first aid ‘. Paediatric first aid training is suitable for people who work with children from birth until around puberty, although the course itself was developed in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory framework (EYFS).

Although the EYFS first aid requirements are mostly focussed on children aged 5 and under, the paediatric first aid skills included are appropriate for all children and would be suitable for many workplace environments including primary schools.


Will my paediatric first aid training cover me for staff as well as children?

Unfortunately, not. In addition to the EYFS Paediatric first aid requirements you will also need to meet the needs of the Health and Safety (first aid) regulations 1981 (HSFAR). Unlike the EYFS statutory framework, these regulations put the responsibility on the employer by asking them to assess the first aid needs of their individual workplace and determine the level of first aid personnel and equipment is required to ensure the safety of staff. Although this sounds daunting, it really is quite simple. These regulations apply to schools and childcare settings in the same way as all other workplaces.


Can you learn Paediatric first aid online?

The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory framework has been updated to reflect changing workplaces and access to new ways of learning. It now acknowledges that for some employers/learners blended learning may be more appropriate than a fully classroom-based course.

However, you cannot currently complete all the training online. Some aspects of the training are more practical and must still be completed with a trainer who can work with the learner to make sure they meet the standards needed to achieve the qualification, as well as helping to ensure they are confident enough to use the skills in real life.

The full 2-day Paediatric first aid course allows for specific skills to be delivered online as a blended training option. However, training providers must have a suitable means for checking understanding and assessing the skill of the learner for the online aspects. They must have also attended at least 6 hours of classroom training.


Who can train my staff in Paediatric first aid?

Choosing the right course to meet your paediatric first aid needs is only one part of making sure you have the most suitable training for your needs. In addition to finding a course that covers the relevant topics, you also need to choose a trusted training provider, some settings even opt for delivering first aid training inhouse.


Why are we seen as a trusted paediatric first aid training provider?

Our excellent reputation as a trusted first aid training provider has been built over 35 years, with us delivering first aid training throughout the UK for workplaces such as schools and nurseries. As well as training first aid, we also work with regulatory bodies such as the Department for Education to ensure the legal requirements for paediatric first aid training continue to ensure the safety of children who are in the care of a nursery or childminder.

We are one of the three voluntary aid societies (VAS) that produce the first aid manual that is used for first aid guidance by most first aid training providers in the UK. The British Red Cross, and the VAS first aid manual, are also recognised as standard setters for first aid by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Like any workplace, first aid is a key part to ensuring someone who is injured or unwell gets the best possible help in an emergency. Book your Paediatric first aid training with the British Red Cross Training and meet your Paediatric first aid requirements for 2024 as well as giving parents the reassurance that your team have the right skills to help in a first aid emergency.


Find out everything you need to know about Paediatric first aid training courses; your responsibilities what course are available to childcare provides, and more.

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