Why first aid training is needed for an SIA licence

Security guard at work
Alice Squires
Publish Date:
21 Dec 2023
Reading Time:
8 Mins

Working in security, obtaining your Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence is essential.

Issued by the SIA, this licence is a legal requirement for individuals engaged in various security roles, including door supervision, manned guarding, close protection, and more.

When you obtain your SIA licence, this means that you've undergone thorough training, possess the necessary skills, and have passed stringent background checks to ensure you meet the standards set by the regulatory body.

However, you won’t be granted this essential documentation until you find a first aid course near you and complete the relevant training.


Benefits of first aid training for SIA licence holders

Receiving first aid training as an SIA licence holder brings numerous benefits that significantly boost your effectiveness in handling security incidents and ensure your safety.

Firstly, having first aid skills equips you with the ability to provide immediate, potentially life-saving assistance in emergencies, playing a crucial role in mitigating harm and ensuring the well-being of individuals involved in security incidents.

Secondly, first aid training enhances your overall effectiveness by instilling confidence and composure in high-pressure scenarios. The knowledge and skills acquired empower you to remain calm and focused, facilitating a more efficient and organised response to emergencies.

This increased level of preparation contributes to a safer and more secure environment, aligning with your primary responsibilities as a security professional.

First aid training also serves as a preventive measure, enabling you to identify potential risks and address them proactively.

In terms of personal safety, first aid training provides you with the knowledge and skills to address your own medical needs in case of injury or health-related issues. This self-sufficiency ensures your well-being and minimises the impact of personal health issues on your ability to carry out your security duties effectively.

In summary, as an SIA licence holder, receiving first aid training goes beyond immediate assistance in emergencies.

It enhances your effectiveness in handling security incidents by fostering confidence, preparedness, and a proactive approach. It also plays a crucial role in ensuring your safety, making you a more resilient and capable contributor to overall security and well-being.


Essentials of SIA licensing: requirements and responsibilities

As an SIA (Security Industry Authority) licence holder in the United Kingdom, you need to meet certain basic criteria and uphold specific responsibilities.

To obtain the licence, you must be at least 18 years old, complete a recognised training course relevant to your chosen licensable activity (such as door supervision or CCTV operation), and pass a criminal background check.

As mentioned, completing a first aid qualification is a compulsory part of the SIA application process. Our 1-day Emergency first aid at work training course covers everything you need to fulfil this requirement.

Once your SIA licence has been issued, you must always carry it whilst on duty and ensure it’s visible whilst you’re working.

But the work doesn’t stop there. As a SIA licence holder, you play a vital role in upholding security standards and ensuring public safety across various sectors.

Therefore, you need to maintain up-to-date knowledge of relevant legislation, respond appropriately to incidents, and cooperate with the law as part of your role. If there are any changes in your circumstances, you need to contact the SIA to ensure your licence remains valid.


Which training is needed for SIA licence holders?

As an SIA licence holder, you need to ensure you’re equipped with adequate first aid skills to maintain a safe environment.

Here are the specific first aid training requirements you need as an SIA licence Holders:

  • Basic first aid certification: You typically undergo training covering essential first aid skills, including wound care, CPR, and the proper use of first aid equipment.
  • Relevant first aid for your job role: Your training aligns with your specific security role, ensuring you are prepared for potential risks and incidents you may encounter, such as injuries resulting from physical altercations.
  • Recognition and response to medical emergencies: You should be trained to recognise and respond to common medical emergencies, such as seizures and choking.
  • Use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs): Training on the proper use of AEDs may be required, particularly for roles with a higher risk of cardiac incidents.
  • Regular refresher courses: Ongoing professional development is essential for you, with periodic refresher courses to update your first aid skills and keep you informed about changes in best practices or regulations.
  • Compliance with regulatory standards: Your training aligns with SIA regulatory standards, ensuring you meet the requirements for your specific role within the security industry.


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The importance of choosing a suitable first aid training provider in the security industry

When aiming to secure your SIA licence, it's crucial for you, as a security professional, to carefully choose the appropriate first aid training.

Your ability to respond promptly and effectively in emergencies is fundamental to your role, making the selection of a training provider to understand the specific needs of SIA licence holders essential.

Red Cross offers a 1-day Emergency first aid at work training that meets the demands of your industry. This training not only equips you with vital life-saving skills but also ensures compliance with SIA standards, making it the ideal solution for enhancing your capabilities and meeting licensing requirements.


Is first aid training needed for an SIA licence renewal?

Completing the first aid top-up training is a compulsory part of renewing your SIA licence.

For Security Guards and Door Supervisors, the SIA has set a standard, making emergency first aid training a prerequisite for the renewal process. This equips you with the knowledge and capabilities to respond swiftly and effectively in critical situations.


How much does an SIA first aid course cost?

Prices for SIA first aid courses vary, depending on your provider.

The Emergency first aid at work training offered by the Red Cross Training offers the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge you need to respond to a first aid situation in the workplace and is priced from £165 (£198 inc. VAT).


Compliance and safety: the crucial role of first aid training for SIA licence holders

First aid training isn't just a valuable skill for you as a security professional; it's a crucial aspect that aligns with SIA regulations and industry standards.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) recognises the importance of equipping you with the ability to respond effectively to emergencies, making first aid training a key component of regulatory compliance.

One of the ways first aid training aligns with SIA regulations is through its emphasis on maintaining a secure and safe environment. SIA requires that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle a variety of situations, including medical emergencies.

First aid training, therefore, directly addresses this requirement by ensuring that SIA licence holders like you are proficient in administering immediate care, reducing the severity of injuries, and potentially saving lives.

Furthermore, industry standards within the security sector emphasise the proactive approach to risk management. First aid training contributes significantly to this approach by empowering you to identify and address potential health and safety risks promptly.

This aligns with the broader industry objective of preventing incidents before they escalate, promoting a culture of safety and preparedness.

Legal obligations underscore the importance of first aid training for SIA licence holders like yourself. Failure to comply with these obligations can have severe consequences, both for individuals and organisations.

Non-compliance with SIA regulations may result in the suspension or revocation of your SIA licence, jeopardising your ability to work in the security sector. For organisations, legal consequences may include fines and reputational damage, highlighting the necessity of ensuring that all security personnel are adequately trained in first aid.

Beyond legal obligations, the moral and ethical responsibility of security professionals like you to protect and aid those under your care is inherent in the industry.

First aid training reinforces this commitment, providing you with the tools to respond effectively to medical emergencies and prioritise the wellbeing of others.

First aid training goes hand-in-hand with SIA regulations and industry standards. It's not merely a recommended practice; it's a legal obligation that carries significant consequences for non-compliance.

By aligning with these regulations, you not only enhance your capabilities but also contribute to a safer and more secure environment, meeting the expectations set by both regulatory bodies and the industry at large.


How our approach to first aid training is relevant to the security industry

The 1-day Emergency first aid at work course from the Red Cross Training helps you provide relevant care for scenarios you may encounter as a professional in the security industry.

For instance, if a physical altercation occurs, you may need to provide care to stop bleeding and treat wounds.

As part of this course, learners gain an understanding of dealing with minor cuts and wounds as well as common injuries like nosebleeds and practise how to apply pressure to a wound that is bleeding heavily and how to put on a bandage effectively.

During the course, training bandages are provided, and learners are shown how to apply a limb bandage, i.e. bandages for arms and legs. This can be practised on yourself, or another learner.

More in-depth training on bleeding and wounds is included in the 2-day First aid at work requalification course and the 3-day First aid at work course.

For example, how to apply bandaging for someone who has cut the palm of their hand open. This involves bandaging the hand into a fist to maintain sufficient pressure over the wound area.

Preferred methods for learning first aid vary for each person. Our approach is versatile, and we can adjust our methods to accommodate your unique learning preferences.

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First aid provision for businesses

Our guide 'First aid provision in the workplace: A Guide for Businesses' will help you understand your legal obligations in the workplace for providing first aid.

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