Workplace safety tips for 2025

Persojn Suffering A Burn At Work
Alice Squires
Publish Date:
26 Feb 2025
Reading Time:
6 mins

Accidents and medical emergencies can happen at any time and in any place, which is why structured workplace safety tips including first aid procedures are crucial to ensure the well-being of your team.

In the UK, there are certain minimum requirements for first aid provision that employers must adhere to. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 outline basic workplace safety requirements. They are, however, dependent on factors such as the size and nature of your workplace, how many employees you have, in addition to the hazards and risks that have been identified in a first aid needs assessment.

Workplace safety is a dynamic area that continues to evolve in response to emerging workplace risks, and changes in work culture. This blog looks at some key workplace safety tips for 2025.

How to promote workplace safety

1. Undertake a first aid needs assessment

All UK employers are legally required to undertake a first aid needs assessment for their workplaces. This enables you to determine the provision you need. It also helps you identify areas where it would be much safer to go beyond the minimum requirements. 

We strongly recommend that you document your first aid needs assessment as proof that you have met your legal obligations and taken steps to make your workplace as safe as possible. It also acts as a valuable document that you can review and refine regularly as circumstances and working practices change over time. 

2. Ensure there are enough qualified first aid personnel

The law is clear on how many first aiders you need at work and workplace first aid training can save lives, providing employees with the skills and confidence to help with a first aid emergency at work.

However, what is the minimal level of first aid provision in the workplace you need to consider will depend on whether you have a low-risk or higher-risk work environment.

For low-risk workplaces, you will need one appointed person if you have fewer than 25 employees or one EFAW trained first aider if there are between 25 and 50 people. If you have over 50 workers, you will need at least one FAW trained person per 100 people (or part thereof). High risk workplaces will require more first aiders with a more in-depth, three-day first aid at work qualification. It is likely that you will need one or more of the following first aid personnel in your team:

  • An appointed person - someone with responsibility for taking care of first aid equipment and calling the emergency services when needed.
  • An emergency first aid at work qualified first aider - someone who has completed a 1-day Emergency first aid at work qualification. If your organisation operates in a low-risk environment, the 1-day Emergency first aid at work course is perfect for individuals who need to become certified first aiders.
  • A first aid at work qualified first aider - someone who has demonstrated competence in 3-day First aid at work training. Our 2-day First aid at work requalification course allows you to review all the subjects covered in the initial 3-day First aid at work course.

3. Have the right first aid supplies

Use the findings from your first aid needs assessment to determine what you should include in your first aid kits and what type of first aid kit you require. For example, if your employees work with chemicals you would need to include items to treat splashes on both skin and eyes. At Red Cross Training, we provide a variety of first aid supplies to ensure you meet HSE guidelines based on your first aid needs assessment. If you have employees with a history of heart problems, you could choose to install one or more Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).

4. Implement clear emergency procedures and plans 

Your plans should outline the steps to be taken in the event of an accident or medical emergency, including who to contact, how to evacuate the premises if necessary and where to assemble for a headcount. It's good practice to make sure any visitors to your workplace are also advised of appropriate emergency procedures. Regular drills and practicing of emergency procedures can help ensure that everyone knows what to do during an unforeseen incident.

5. Record and report accidents and incidents

There are certain accidents and incidents that must be reported to the Health & Safety Executive under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR). These include deaths, serious injuries such as amputations and most types of fracture, occupational diseases, gas incidents and dangerous incidents, such as the collapse or overturning of lifting equipment. It is also important to keep records of any other less serious first aid incidents or medical emergencies. This can help with improving the general safety culture in your workplace: thinking about avoiding small accidents helps with minimising the chances of more serious incidents happening.

6. Prioritise mental health at work 

By taking a positive approach to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, your organisation can benefit from: 

  • more engaged and motivated staff 
  • reduction in absence and associated costs 
  • increased productivity and staff retention  
  • improved professional reputation 
  • satisfied customers. 

As well as being beneficial to your organisation, taking staff mental health and wellbeing seriously in the workplace promotes gains for staff such as: 

  • developing awareness of how to support themselves and others when faced with demanding situations using a practical framework  
  • managing stress and developing awareness of stress 
  • optimising wellbeing at work and in their personal life 
  • developing greater confidence when dealing with tricky situations. 

When considering workplace safety tips, employers must establish minimum first aid provisions, including trained first aiders, necessary equipment, emergency procedures, and accident reporting. While requirements vary, going beyond the minimum— training additional first aiders, investing in extra equipment and recording all accidents – no matter how minor – will help manage risk and create a safer workplace which must be a positive outcome all round. 

If you would like to find out more information on improving the culture of workplace safety in your organisation, look at our blog, which features actionable steps to improve workplace safety culture and wellbeing that can be taken by SMEs. 


Workplace Safety